Monday, April 12, 2010

Gearing up for Kindergarten...Already?!?

Last week we signed Grace up for kindergarten. I can't believe the tiny baby girl I swear I just gave birth to is turning five this summer and then marching off to kindergarten this September. Where has the time gone? Is she really ready? Am I?

Filling out the mountain of paperwork at registration I came across one form that was fishing for more then just the basic information about my child. It asked how she interacted with other children and asked me to list any concerns I might have. Surely they should know better then to only leave a half inch of space for me to list my concerns! Like most parents sending their first child to school I have a LONG list of concerns. Will she like school? Will she pick up a love of learning? Will she make a friend or two or will she feel lonely? Will her attention span ever improve? Will she get picked on? Will she learn to be confident in herself and not to always follow the crowd? The list could go on and on.

Thankfully I have several months before I have to send her to her first day of kindergarten. I'm mostly excited for her as we prepare to embark on the long road of public education, but it's still a little scary. As I think about how excited I am for Grace I think of how all too quickly my baby boy will be starting kindergarten and that makes me want to cry. I'm pretty sure the day my baby starts school will be super emotional for me. Time flies so fast and I know the three years I have left as a Mom of a Preschooler will be gone before I know it!


kimj said...

You are such good parents, and are giving your kids confidence and love, an appreciation for all people, and a zest for life that will carry thru into their school years. Enjoy every minute of it! Love you, Mom