Thursday, January 7, 2010

Morning Has Broken

Some mornings I just don't want to crawl out of my warm cozy bed.

Scratch that.

Most mornings I don't want to crawl out of my warm cozy bed. But since I am the mother of two small children I am inevitably awoken by my four year old. She's always the first one up. First she uses the potty, leaves the bathroom light on (to aid in my awakening process I am sure), and returns to the room that she shares with her two year old brother. They usually spend 10-15 minutes in their room squealing and throwing stuffed animals and dolls at each other from their respective beds. At some point Grace decides she's ready for breakfast and that's when she happily informs me that it's "seven oh oh" and time to wake up.

I am not a morning person.

Once Grace leaves the bedroom Ethan begins his loud protest at being left in his crib all alone. He does not like to be left behind. While I rescue Ethan from his crib Grace usually sets the table for herself and Ethan and gets out the cereal. They each eat a bowl of cold cereal and a bowl of yogurt for breakfast.

This morning was a little different. This morning while I listened to the kids giggle in their room together I looked out the window above our bed and discovered that the sky was pink and blue. I often see things and wish I had the time/opportunity to take a photograph. And then I realized that I could make the dream become a reality by putting on some slippers and a jacket and running outside with the camera.

So I did.

I stood in the wet grass and hoped the neighbor's didn't look out their kitchen window to see my in my pajamas taking photos of the moon. I'm glad I acted quick enough to get a few photos because like so many beautiful moments in life the pink sky lasted mere minutes.

I'm contemplating starting a 365 Photo Challenge as a challenge to myself and for fun. I've backed off of my camera recently but I think it's time to pick it up again. I really do enjoy photography and want to improve my skills. What better way then to practice every day?

For those who aren't in the know, a 365 Photo Challenge is a challenge to take and post a photo every day for a year. I'm pretty sure I could handle taking a photo every day (as long as I don't forget!), but getting the time to edit and post the photos every day could be a challenge.


Own Self said...

Your kids get up SO early! Mine aren't allowed to wake up Mommy until it says 8-0-0! :)

KimJ said...

It was a spectacular sunrise, glad you got to enjoy it and capture it on your camera. It's my favorite part of the day!