Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Tonight Grace got to play her very first team The first practice was actually last Tuesday, the evening of her eye surgery. Obviously we missed that one. We had an appointment with the eye doctor this morning and he cleared her for soccer practice so long as she sat out the scrimmage part until next week. Grace was pretty excited about going and even wore her purple soccer shorts all day long in anticipation. When it came time to get dressed for soccer she balked at wearing her shin guards. She cried and declared them "too scary" and "too tight" and carried on like she was going to die. I told her she either put them on and could play or could leave them off and not play. Her choice. I actually think she thought I was pulling a fast one on her and she was going to be the only child at soccer practice wearing such silly looking legwear and she didn't want to look ridiculous. Once we got there and she spotted her friend Mckenna I didn't hear another peep about the shin guards. In fact she ran right out on the field with her ball and started playing right away and had a great time.

Five year old soccer is pretty hilarious to watch. They did a few practice drills to practice passing the ball (a concept that is pretty foreign to most 5 year olds) and shooting it in the goal. I can't wait for the games to start, it should be pretty fun to watch the chaos! Ethan can't wait until he's big enough to play soccer too. He saw that Grace had to wear shin guards and got out his own "ball" socks to wear with his Crocs and hauled his soccer ball to the practice too. It's going to be a hard three years for him to wait for his turn to play with the "big kids".