Friday, February 19, 2010

Seeking Sun in the Northwest

I don't know about anyone else but cold rainy weather is not my favorite. Lucky for me I live in the Pacific Northwest! Oh wait, maybe that's not the best place to be if you don't like cold rainy weather. I do, however, love to live in the Pacific Northwest when the sun is shining because then it makes the gray rainy days incredibly worth it. The grass is so green, the sky is so blue, and it really can't get any prettier. It just takes a lot of rain to make it happen! So I'm willing to live with a little (ok, a lot!) of rain to be here.

Today was one of the rare gorgeous golden sunshine February days and I loved it. More specifically, my camera loved it. I'm trying very hard to conquer sun flare and gray rainy days don't exactly give me much to work with in that department. For that my friends, I need sun. The only place in my yard to find sun for sun flare is in the backyard and by our lilies in the side yard. That's why all my sun flare photos are of the kids in the lilies and on the swing set. That's what I have to work with.

If you live near me and happen to have better late afternoon sun access just let me know and I'll gladly camp out in your yard with my camera. :)

Without further ado my favorite sun flare photo of the day:

Notice the pretty flare at the lower lefthand corner!

And this one doesn't have much flare because Grace was sitting opposite of Ethan and the sun wasn't hitting her quite right. I kind of like this girly action with this photo. Grace is such a pink princess kind of girl it's not even funny. Appropriate is it not?


Aly sun said...

cute. I've been experimenting with sun flare as well. It's not as easy as it looks. Let me know if you come up with any great tips besides trial and error/no sun flare.

simplykersh said...

We get tons of late afternoon sun in out back yard! You are welcome to practice if you like!