Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Recap of my afternoon:

107 pieces of divinity
51 gingerbread boys
4 blisters on my hands from said divinity

At least I have something to show for all my work today! I made two batches of divinity for the candy exchange at the party I'm going to on Friday evening. I'm supposed to bring 11 plates of candy which seems like an awful lot. Luckily I had several egg whites in the fridge waiting for a purpose and with a little sugar and corn syrup and a LOT of elbow grease I think I have enough candy to fill the Santa plates I picked up at the Dollar Store. By the way, if you try to make divinity and live in a humid climate it's going to take a lot of hand mixing and you're liable to get some rather tasty blisters. My poor hands!

As if making two batches of divinity wasn't crazy enough I also did our gingerbread boys this afternoon. I made the batter right after lunch and it had to chill for three hours which is about how long it took me to make the divinity. I put the icing on the cookies and Grace decorated with the red hots and did a lovely job. She rather enjoyed the task and kept sneaking red hots to eat!

I rewarded myself for my busy afternoon in the kitchen by giving myself a free pass for dinner. The kids and I headed for McDonalds with the free Happy Meal coupon we got in the mail and enjoyed ourselves some cheeseburgers and fries. Ethan ate over half the cheeseburger and Grace ate about 3 bites after I scraped the onion off and removed the pickle. I forgot she's in such an anti-onion phase. She was ecstatic to get a tiny My Little Pony in the Happy Meal which was her motivation to eat the three bits of cheeseburger that she managed to get down.


jackie goddard said...

you keep tempting me with these lovely photos! maybe sometime when i visit (hopefully someday soon) you can give me cooking tutorials! i just made more cookies too, a good way to stop worrying about finals!

Lindsay said...

Wow, Kellie, you are a superstar! My grandma used to make divinity so it always remind me of her. I have never tried it, though.
I love Christmas baking, too!

Aly sun said...

I've never baked divinity either. Now I am not sure I want to, with the blister stories as all. The pictures are beautiful.