Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Afermath

I'm sure we're not the only ones reveling in the Christmas aftermath. You know, the piles of new toys to play with and pick up and the new clothes to try on and wash. The fudge and Chex Mix to be eaten, the books to be read and Christmas money spent. Yes, it's always just as busy after Christmas as before!

Now that I have our photos off the camera (there were over 430 since we left Dallas!) and relatively weeded through and very briefly touched (David's work laptop has very limited photo editing capabilities) I thought I'd share a few.

Grace by Opa and Oma's tree

What Santa left for Grace and Ethan

Ethan just needed a plain box for Christmas

Grace wore her pink dress up dress ALL day!

The great grandkids watching Tinkerbell in matching jammies

Ethan rocking out on Great Oma's rocking chair


Anonymous said...

Wow, that last one of Ethan looks nothing like Dave!


Aly sun said...

It's good to get caught up on your blog. Looks like a very adventurous time through the snow. We also have a Christmas aftermath that is rich and exciting and full of washing, organizing, cleaning, and wearing a princess dress.