Sorry I haven't been posting much lately but it's been a busy week. I've been furiously working on editing wedding photos from the wedding I did last Saturday. I shot the formals/ceremony in RAW and I'm glad I did but the processing took twice as long! In the meantime we visited my brother during his week's vacation at a condo in Seaside, made a trip into Salem to pick up my brother's mail and renew our Costco membership, cleaned the entire house (it was DIRTY!), did a zillion loads of laundry, planned our 4th of July barbecue with the neighbors, went grocery shopping, baked two batches of Strawberry Lemonade bars, made strawberry muffins, took some headshots of my friend Kathlynn, and even squeezed in a quick afternoon romp at a friend's house where the kids ran through the sprinkler. Yes it's been a busy four days.
So now that you know why I haven't had time to blog you'll also understand why I'm sharing these five photos with you. Because they're the ones I had time to edit. Someday I'll get to the ones where we were swinging but if I wait for that you won't hear from me until next month!
We were only at the beach for about 24 hours but we visited the beach twice, swam in the pool once, and walked down to the candy store where Grace stood enthralled before all the varieties of pink colored candies. It was a horn of plenty and I let her pick out a handful of pink salt water candies (bubble gum and cotton candy), a pink sucker, a small package of Smarties for Ethan (hard to find toddler appropriate candy!), and a package of Zotz for me. Love those fizzy candies!
Ethan didn't freak out about the sand this trip which was a blessing. You'll notice he's not wearing a sweatshirt in these pictures and that is not because it was warm because it wasn't. The zipper broke on his sweatshirt when I put it on him and he wouldn't keep it on unzipped. He mostly enjoyed squealing at the seagulls and flinging rocks and sand. Grace didn't need her bucket and shovel at all. She just needs a patch of sand to roll in. That girl loves sand!

What an incredibly sandy face! Can you tell she was swimming in the sand?!

He looks cleaner but that's just because he has to warm up to touching the sand.

Grace could run and jump in the sand all day long.

Ethan venturing off the blanket!
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