Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Ethan the Gymnast

Ethan was enrolled in gymnastics this spring and really loved it.  He's watched Grace take the class a couple of times and was so excited that it was his turn!  He did such a great job listening to his teachers and sitting in line, I was very impressed.  Grace was much less impressive in her sitting still in line skills (and still is!).  This was the first activity in which Ethan was the participant and Grace was on the sidelines with me.  She didn't like the role reversal very much, but it was good for her. 
As a reward for all his hard work (and excellent waiting in line skills!) and for Grace's patience watching her brother twice a week I treated the three of us to a Burgerville milkshake.  If you've ever had one you know that they are quite possibly the best milkshakes ever.  They had a Timbers Mint Oreo one that we tried that was pretty tasty.