Thursday, November 6, 2008

I see spots!

Poor Ethan just can't catch a break. Not only is he underweight, growing teeth, and getting over a head cold/cough/ear infection but he now has spots. That's right, spots. I first noticed his spotted nature this morning and let him run around in just a diaper for awhile to make sure it wasn't heat rash or something similar. The spots stayed so I called the pediatrician's office and talked to a nice nurse who told me that Ethan most likely has a viral rash. Whatever nasty head cold/cough is going around right now occasionally comes along with the lovely red rash that Ethan is now sporting. We're supposed to call if he spikes a fever over 101.5, shows signs of developing another ear infection, or the rash doesn't appear to be going away within 4 days. So for now Ethan has spots.

Ethan doesn't seem to phased by the whole deal. I wanted to take some pictures of his new exotic skin covering to share and so I handed him the Nintendo 64 controller that is "his" to play with and snapped away. As you can tell, he's still a pretty happy guy!


jackie goddard said...

oh my goodness! hope he gets better! but on the funnier side, what a natural man, feeling at home with the video game controller and kicking back! haha, but i do love N64 too so i can't blame him...

Aly sun said...

At least he isn't bothered by it, but it sure look severe. My little one is teething and having a very hard time with 2 top molars that seem to be stuck. I'm sure if Mandy and Ethan got together they would have some complaints to share.

Natalie Whisler said...

Poor thing!

That looks *exactly* like the rash Gabriella had when she had an ear infection at very close to the same age. At first we thought it was a reaction to the antibiotics , but it was actually just a viral rash. Either way, it doesn't look like much fun.

simplykersh said...

Hope he is better soon. He is still awful cute!

James Furlo said...

Boy is he going to LOVE these pictures when he starts dating.