Thursday, November 20, 2008

Photo Session with Miss Gracie

I haven't done a photo session concentrating solely on Grace for awhile and when I asked her today if she would like to do one she was very interested! We waited until after lunch when Ethan had gone down for his nap and then we snuck outside to take some pictures on the front porch. The rain had stopped but everything was pretty wet which left our backdrops pretty limited. We started off by the rocks and flowers and did some warm up photos with the pink hydrangeas. That's where I got this photo which I think is my favorite of the bunch. What a personality!

I made sure to get some photos of her black "ballet" shoes that are her current favorites. I picked them up at the consignment store this fall and Grace fell in love with them. In her opinion they go with everything, sort of like her other favorite footwear the pink cowgirl boots. She wore those to Cubbies last night.

I finally talked her into sitting on the front door stoop since the red is a nice background and it was one of the only dry spots to be found. I was trying to get some photos of her looking towards the camera and smiling her real smile but that was not in the cards. It never really is. Grace is a happy girl but her natural smile is much more subtle then her brother. She also seems to know how to hide her real smile when there's a camera within sight and hams it up! I like these pictures because they're more real. More like everyday-not-so-cheesy Grace.


Aly sun said...

You've been busy this afternoon. I like the new decor around here. Nice template. Your pictures are beautiful.

My Emma's smile was very elusive for the first 3.75 years of her life. Now she is able to do a real smile on que, it just whether she wants to or not.