Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Video Game Party in the Backyard

So what do you do if you're a videogame nut and you have a huge screen and projector with a cable that connects to your Xbox? That's right, you break out a multi-player game and have some fun! Last night wasn't the first time the Xbox was hooked up to the projector but it was the first time the boys had access to it. The first outdoor Xbox experience was a little over a week ago when our neighbor's daughter celebrated her 13th birthday with a bunch of friends and they played a karaoke song. That was also an amusing evening! Of course we didn't play videogames all night, we broke out School of Rock once it was dark enough for optimal viewing enjoyment.

I'm glad I grabbed my camera because some of these pictures are hilarious. I had to bump up my ISO to 1600 (as high as my camera will go which makes the pictures kind of grainy) and I used my fastest lens at as low an f/stop as possible. Not much else I could do at 9:30pm using natural light!


Jennifer said...

that is so cool! you guys have the greatest toys.

Aly sun said...

Not bad for natural light. I'm impressed.