Thursday, August 7, 2008

Photo Shoot Mayhem

Have you ever tried to take photos of wiggly babies and whirlwind preschoolers? It's chaos. At least it is whenever I try and set up a photo shoot. This morning I attempted to get some pictures of Ethan for his 10 month birthday today (as I have every month) and Grace wanted in on the action as well. Since I haven't got her 3 year pics done yet I was more then happy to oblige! The lighting is poor today (where's the sun?) and Ethan wasn't really in the mood. After a lot of disastrous shots I finally gave up on the basket idea and brought Ethan outside. It's sooooo much easier to get pictures of him outside where I don't have a messy house as a background and the lighting is so much better. Big improvement. Unfortunately Ethan is getting closer to toddling each day and I know my time for good pictures of him are coming to an end. At least that's how it worked with Grace. As soon as she could walk it became an impossible task to get a picture of her A) Facing or Looking in my direction and B) Smiling. So I hope you have enjoyed the nice photos of Ethan thus far since I'm sure you'll be seeing lots of pictures of the back of his head or him running out of the frame shortly.

Grace jumped in the basket first so Ethan was sitting (topless...trying to keep his shirt dry until his turn!) next to me and grabbed my lens cap and kept trying to eat it.

Whenever I ask Grace to smile I get weird facial expressions that are nowhere near actual smiles. Here's what I got this time.

After trying to get pictures of Grace in the basket I had Ethan jump in with her. I got a few funny ones!

It didn't take long for Ethan to decide he didn't like being smooshed in the empty toy basket with Grace. Grace did her best to comfort him with her usual "It's ok Ethan" and kept trying to kiss him.

When it was finally Ethan's turn to be in the basket he either wanted to eat it or stand up in it. Neither of which worked out so well. Thus we ended the session and went outside. Problem solved.


Own Self said...

Hilarity! So stinkin' cute... Those are great shots. Where do you shoot at? What do you use as a backdrop?

Cooking with Big E said...

These pictures are from the dining room about 3 feet from the sliding glass door. I tie up the white side of Grace's taggie blanket to the backs of two dining room chairs to get a white background. My other option is bright blue from Ethan's blanket :)

jackie goddard said...

i like the basket ones, great idea kellie!
i started up my blog again
let me know what you think about the preschool logos, sam said you have a good eye for things like that!tp

Aly sun said...

I was also curious about the bright white back-drop. Brilliant. The pictures are fun. It sure beats taking them to a studio and paying someone to not get these great shots. You do a really ice job on your pictures.