Monday, March 2, 2009

Everyone needs a favorite dress!

Like many little girls her age Grace prefers to wear dresses whenever she gets a chance. Actually, to be specific she prefers to wear twirly dresses. For those readers who aren't familiar with three year old girls you must know that every dress has a twirl factor and generally, the more twirl factor the dress has the higher it's ranked in preference. Although in this particular case Grace's favorite dress is not her most twirliest, but it does indeed have a twirl factor. Plus it's fun to wear as you can tell from these photos.

This dress is worn the most by far of all the dresses Grace owns. It's very rarely on a hanger, it's either on her or in the dirty clothes, and occasionally left on the floor next to the dress up box as she parades about the house in her dress up dresses and hot pink plastic high heels. The pink cowgirl boots are her favorite shoes to wear with this dress, though sometimes I can talk her into wearing thick tights and her black "ballet shoes" when it's really cold out, and sometimes I even make her wear a long sleeve shirt under it. She usually resists knowing full well that a long sleeve shirt ruins the effect of her pretty peasant dress. Of course this is the same girl that wore her plastic glass slippers all day on Halloween, refusing to take them off even after receiving blisters from them. She's definitely into fashion not comfort these days.