Monday, September 21, 2009

I fought Blogger and I won!

I've tried my hand at tweaking this blog many times. Some tweaks worked, most didn't. I was stuck on the Lefty Stretch theme for a long time because I like having plenty of room to chat and post pictures that were larger then a postage stamp. A lot of blog templates use the three column design and I really don't need more then two. What would I do with the third column? Annoy you all with advertisement? No, I didn't think you'd like that either. I'm going for clean, not cluttered. Simple.

So after much googling for Blogger "how to's" I've finally figured out how to change the widths of things to suit my needs. I like that I can throw a pattern on the sides and keep the background behind my text and photos solid. I couldn't do that before and it was wildly irritating. I also like that I know exactly what pixel size to make my header image. How easy this will be to maintain!

So what do you all think? Is this new overall design a keeper? Don't get too attached to the colors/background since I'll probably change them a million times to suit my mood and the season. I just can't settle on one look when there's millions of fun possibilities out there!


Unknown said...


Kelleigh Ratzlaff Designs said...

I love it, too! Perfect!

Lauren said...

It is a keeper!

KimJ said...

I like it a LOT. Your creativity knows no bounds, my Dear.

Henriettæ said...

I love it - it's so beautiful!!