Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Eight Months Ethan!

Ethan turned eight months old today! Here's a little bit about what he's up to:
  • He started crawling forwards last night! Finally! He's not very fast but I doubt it will take very long before he's greased lightening.
  • He loves to eat solid foods and just started eating two solid meals a day
  • Peaches are his favorite solid food
  • He's wearing size 6-12 month clothes and 9 month onesies and pajamas. Wears a size 2 shoe.
  • No teeth yet but close!
  • Absolutely hates to lay on his back for diaper changes. He immediately tries to roll over and sit back up since apparently laying down is for the birds.
  • Loves any and all toys that make noise or taste good
  • Is in desperate need of his second hair cut, can you believe that?!?
  • He's started pulling up on things and I've found him standing in his crib....good thing we lowered the crib to the lowest setting a week before that happened!
  • He wears a size 3 diaper still, which funnily enough is only one size smaller then Grace wears
  • Babbles a lot and gets quite a bit of inflection in his voice. It's pretty obvious when he's babbling happily or is voicing his displeasure!
  • He sleeps on his stomach even though I always put him down on his back which is exactly what Grace started doing at about the same age.