Thursday, February 26, 2009

Snow Frolic

It snowed this morning and from the weather forecast it sounded like it wasn't likely to last so the kids and I bundled up to spend some time outside this morning before it all melted. Grace had a fantastic time whooping it up outside and throwing the wet snow as far as she could. She also had a fascination with tasting the snow and kept trying to eat it saying it tasted good. Not so sure about that. Ethan tromped through the snow happily trying to keep up with Grace and finally exploring the muddy snow on his own. He didn't have any interest in playing with the snow with his hands, just mostly kicking his little green boots through it which was fine by me. Zoe was outside with us and wasn't as impressed with all the snow as the kids. Once it started coming down again she had enough and waited patiently by the door to be let in to the warm house. She's an indoor dog for sure. Once we stripped off our wet clothes and shoes we dove in to the hot chocolate. Or shall I say I dived in to the hot chocolate while Grace drank her cold chocolate milk (she wanted it cold silly girl) and Ethan sipped regular milk. It was the thought that counts right?

Sorry for the lack of photo updates this week, I haven't been feeling all that great and today is the first day since Sunday I've picked up the camera. More on that later.

My handsome little guy that I forced to wear the matching too small hat. It's just too cute not to cram on his big head! At least one last time so I can get a decent picture, now it can go in the outgrown pile...

As you can see the too small hat did not dampen Ethan's spirits. He could care less.

Grace having an absolute blast! What is it about snow that is so much fun?

Zoe not impressed with the snow coming down. She's about 30 seconds away from trotting next to the door to be let in here.


Anonymous said...

Great pics and story Kellie, you made me smile!

Natalie Whisler said...

Cute snow pictures! I wish we would've had at least one more decent snow... but I think most of Portland would run me out of the town with pointy sticks for saying that.