Thursday, February 5, 2009

Photo Tag

I have been tagged by Carrie! Here are the rules-

1. Choose the fourth folder you store your pictures in on your computer

2. Select the fourth picture in the folder

3. Explain the picture

4. Tag four people to do the same.

I organize my photos by year and month. I only have 2008 and 2009 on the computer at the moment (the rest is on the external hard drive) so I'm sharing the fourth picture from the second folder of the 2009 folder. Just so happens to be January because it's arranged alphabetical. This happens to be a photo of Ethan from when we were visiting the beach a few weeks ago. I don't always have creative file names because I have sooooo many pictures so this one is called backofhead.jpg Totally creative.

I tag Alysun, Andrea, Natalie, and Jackie


Aly sun said...

This is a neat tag game. I just got tagged for a my 5th folder and 5th picture from another friend. Perhaps I will combine them and share both pictures. But not right now because I just posted a lengthy post about pretzels and I am tuckered out.

Natalie Whisler said...

I organize photos the same way, but I try to keep my months in order rather than alphabetical. Off to see what the Feb folder contains (I'm guessing Juliana's B-day)...