Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ebay Bombardment Coming Soon

Since David linked my Ebay account to Twitter expect to be bombarded with over 60 listings on Thursday, sorry about that! As most of you know I buy/sell most of our kids' clothes on Ebay and it's Fall/Winter Prime Selling Time so I'm jumping into the action. It's taken me a good long time to get everything washed (amazing how many stains appear on baby clothes after sitting in storage for awhile), sorted, photographed, listings made, and shipping calculated. But the task is now finished and I have scheduled all of my listings to go from this Thursday evening through next Thursday so that I can ship it all out when we get back from Idaho.

Speaking of Idaho, tomorrow we're flying to Boise which will be Grace's second and Ethan's first airplane trip. Grace is pretty excited about it, and I'll try and remember to throw the point and shoot camera in my diaper bag to snap a couple pics. One of the beautiful things about flying with small children is that we get to board the plane first and not stand in line with the common folk. I think it's the airline's way of buttering us up in order to keep our children quiet and not disturbing the other passengers. Since David is unable to lift anything heavier then 15lbs this week guess who will be lugging two car seats, the luggage, and the baby through the airport? Me that's who! You'll find me up in the Rodeo Club enjoying something stronger then iced tea tomorrow evening. Or maybe not, after such an exciting day the kids will probably barely make it to the third rodeo event before I'll be heading home to put them to bed. And then I'll be enjoying something stronger then iced tea...

Who doesn't love Rodeo Week?