Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cubbies Awards Night

Tonight Grace received her very first Cubbies patch during the Awards Ceremony. We were talking about it this afternoon and she asked if Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, Ethan, Zoe, and Boo were proud of her for learning her verses. Of course I told her we were all proud of her. Finally she said "there's a lot lot of people who are proud of me" which pretty much summed it up. She also asked if Daddy would be at the Awards Ceremony and was very happy when he came home just as we were heading out the door to AWANAS.

So now I have to find some red thread so I can sew Grace's brand new Hopper patch on her vest. I was really hoping they would be iron on!


jackie goddard said...

gracie looks stoked in that photo...haha!

Aly sun said...

She looks so grown up and cute in her vest. How proud you must be! I love how kids take compliments so well.