Friday, January 23, 2009

Grace's First Dance Recital

Last night was Grace's very first dance recital and she LOVED it. I mean really LOVED it. Earlier in the day she helped me make special pink Ballerina Cupcakes for our special dessert and when Grandma arrived she knew it was going to get even better! We ate a quick dinner, enjoyed our fluffy pink cupcakes, and then got Grace dressed in her ballet outfit before heading out the door.

We arrived to find the Majestic Theater in Dallas packed with people but got there early enough to get third row seating. By the time the recital started 15 minutes later there was standing room only! We expected the little ballerinas to dance at the beginning but instead they were one of the last classes to perform. Grace was entranced watching the bigger girls dance and could hardly contain her enthusiasm because she wanted to dance so badly! By the time it was the Creative Movement dance class to perform she was more then ready.

She ran right up to the front and immediately started twirling and dancing before joining the circle with the other kids and Miss Stephanie. Miss Stephanie wisely assigned each child a blue dot to dance on and Grace was thrilled to be front and center. She danced her little heart out, mostly to the tune of her own drummer. She equates hopping with dancing so she looked kind of like a little jumping bean but she obviously had a fantastic time. She totally lit up with the applause and I foresee lots more dance recitals in our future.

In fact she gave us another impromptu show once we got home doing some of her fancy Swan Lake moves and trying out some of the hip hop dance moves she saw the older girls perform. She especially liked rolling around on the floor. It took a little while for her to calm down enough for a bath and change into her ballerina jammies. I'm sure she dreamed ballerina dreams!


jackie goddard said...

grace is so precious. she is a little bundle of energy, that's so exciting she did so well and was eager to perform! wish i could have seen it!

Andrea said...

She is adorable! Makes me wonder what Laura will want to do in a few more years :)

Hey - can you let me know how you get the little clickable link to show up in your status updates on facebook? All I'm able to figure out is typing in my blog address - but then it's not a clickable link like yours is. Thanks!

Lindsay said...

Cute! That looks like so much fun. I can't wait to put Anna in ballet next year!

Also, I like your new hair color...looks great.

Aly sun said...

Cute pictures. Funny what you said about the hip-hop. Let's hope she sticks with ballet -- the costumes and music are much prettier