Friday, May 23, 2008

I hope Ethan learns to crawl SOON!

I know most parents want their children to remain immobile as long as possible. I think I'm generally in that category, at least until my life would be made significantly easier by mobile children! Ethan is very close to crawling, he can lean forwards and get on all fours but then has no idea how to more forward. It makes him mad. Very, very, mad. And then he leans back and sits up again still howling and looking pathetic. That in itself makes me want him to learn how to crawl so I no longer have to hear his frustration with the process!

But then he started waking himself up at night because of it. At least I'm 98% sure that's why he's waking up so much at night. Each time he wakes up screaming he's on his belly trying to get on his hands and knees while still in his sleep sack. Last night he woke up 3 hours after nursing and certainly wasn't hungry but wasn't happy with me when I insisted he figure out how to fall asleep without nursing. He protested a good hour until he finally gave in and fell asleep on my shoulder. Of course during the struggle he gave my arm a hickey in a desperate attempt to nurse on something. Lovely.

He better be crawling soon or I'll go nuts!


Andrea said...

Awe! Poor guy...that's exactly what Laura was doing last week with the frustration. She wasn't waking up because of it (that I know) because she's up every 3-4 hours at night anyways... ugh.

Cooking with Big E said...

Well apparently he took the "no nursing to sleep every 3 hours" stand I took the other night to heart...he slept from 8:30pm until 4:30am without a peep! I really do think he's been waking up because he flips himself on his stomach and has a hard time flipping to his back or wants to crawl and can't.