Saturday, May 31, 2008

Potty Training 101

I think we've hit a major milestone...Grace is potty training for real this time! She's excited and willing and we're having successes which is awesome! Yesterday I optimistically taped a paper up in the bathroom titled "Grace's Potty Successes" and told her that she could put stickers on it when she used the potty or had dry underwear when I asked her to sit on the potty. As you can see from the picture we've been having some success! We had a couple accidents today but all in all it's going really well. We've been leaving the bathroom light on and the potty all set up for her (she prefers to use the Big Potty instead of her little one which is totally fine by me!) and she knows she can go in there to sit on the potty at any time with or without us present. She seems to prefer not having me there and I think it may have to do with the "I'm a big girl and can do it myself" attitude she has about such things. She did manage to make a pretty big mess after her poop success so we've had to talk about how she needs to ask for help to clean up sometimes.


Natalie Whisler said...

Yay for Grace! That is wonderful!

Andrea said...

Yay! I bet it'll be awesome to be back to just one in dipes!