Sunday, May 4, 2008

More Peas Please

After Grace's infamous Pea Video where I caught on video her first reaction to peas I was all set for Ethan's first taste of the green stuff. I had David feed him while I stood ready with the camera, ready to capture the hilarious faces I was sure would follow. To my surprise the little guy ate his pureed peas with nary a funny face or grimace. He just calmly ate them and opened up his mouth for more! I hope this means he likes vegetables and will never refuse to eat "yucky green things" like a certain little girl I know. Of course I'm not holding my breath!


Natalie Whisler said...

Cute picture nonetheless!

Hopefully the love of green veggies will continue for Sir Ethan, but there is hope for veggie refusing toddler girlies. Gabriella happily munched on lima beans for supper and suddenly LOVES broccoli after HATING it.