Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Parry Blog Turns One!

Can you believe it's only been a year since I first started this blog? The intention has always been to share what's going on with our lives with friends and family but it's turned out to be more then that for me. It's a place to share my thoughts and feelings on motherhood and life in general, a way to connect with other people on days that otherwise feel long and lonely. It's fun to share the joys and even sharing the lows can cause my perspective to shift so that I can at least find the humor in a stressful situation. Thanks for sharing it all with me!

I thought it'd be fun to take a look at what's happened on our blog in the last year. Rather then bore you all with a long list of my favorite blog posts (hey, I love each and every one of them!) I thought I'd share my Top Three Blog Posts of the Year:

First of all, I'm pretty sure that Grace painting my inlaws Guest Room, crib, toddler bed, and carpet takes the cake for Naughtiest Thing Our Children Have Done in the last year. After her painting she proceeded to kill their computer. I'm still surprised they invited her back!

Next I thought the Green Bean Casserole Flop was pretty hilarious. At least it was funny after David ate his plateful and deemed it good. At least someone in this house appreciated my effort!

Lastly I had fun sharing my first experience with hair dye with you all. It almost made the whole process less scary. Almost.

And while I don't feel compelled to share all the posts relating to the milestones we've hit this year I thought instead I'd share a short list:

Ethan learned how to crawl, walk, and run
Ethan grew 6.5 teeth in the weirdest tooth pattern ever
Grace potty trained!!!
Grace took ballet lessons and started AWANAS as a Cubbie
I am now sleeping through the night because both of my kids are!

Pretty exciting stuff. Makes me excited for what this year's milestones might be. Also makes me wonder what mischief my kids will get into. Will Grace be able to top her painting gig? Will Ethan figure out how to make bigger messes faster then his big sister? Lord help us.