Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Typical Evening

The Photo Assignment this week was Evening Activity. Basically we were supposed to take a picture of what we do in the evening. I don't know about you but my usual evening routine is pretty unexciting. I make dinner, I coerce children into eating at least as many bites as they are old, I clean up dinner and do dishes, I bathe and wrestle children into pajamas, I read books, I tell a story and sing a song about pink polka dots, I refuse 12 requests for more water, I break up toy throwing contests that happen after bedtime, and finally I hear quiet. Or almost quiet. Right now I hear my beloved husband snoring on the couch beside me. Close enough.

So back to the Photo Assignment.

I attempted to take a few pictures of some of my usual evening activities tonight. I spent a good amount of time trying to get a decent shot of Grace and I shredding our chicken for Lime Chicken Tacos for dinner tonight with so so results.

I didn't get any photos of dinner because it was pretty unexciting. Nor did I get pictures of me cleaning up dinner which is also pretty unexciting. I also skipped bath pictures in favor of trying to read an article in Newsweek while mediating a splashing war. I did, however, manage to get some after bath pictures. Here's Grace holding one of the books we read tonight.

And here's Grace snuggling with Daddy on the couch after reading her books. She's telling him how much she liked it that he came to her ballet class this afternoon. They make my heart melt.

And here the kids are in bed. Ethan actually looked pretty tired and didn't even pop his head up when I brought Grace in for her story and song. Notice that he's got his finger in his nose though. So lovely. And please someone say their kids are also still wearing their Christmas pajamas so I don't feel so silly. Grace always requests a certain topic for a story and song. Tonight she wanted a story and song about pink and brown polka dots. If anyone has an actual polka dot song they know I'd love to hear it because we seem to be in a polka dot phase. Last week was snowmen.


Aly sun said...

Sounds like an exciting evening to me. There are a few Christmas pjs running around our house too. No worries.

Natalie Whisler said...

I'm pretty sure the picture of Ethan with his finger up his nose is my favorite. That one made me laugh.

Niki said...

if i had to sing polka dot songs, i think i'd sing them to the tune of that 'lollipop' song